Breaking the grid in the city and online
Molly has wrote a really good comparsion between the grid systems of most American cities and the grids of websites in an entry for Alist apart titled Thinking outside the grid. Thanks to Sheila for...
View ArticleThe challenges of validating cubicgarden
Its one of the dirty little secrets of my blog, I've never been able to get it to validate to xhtml because of a combination of things. So first up lets have a look at how many errors I currently...
View ArticleWhere did the stylesheet go?
What happened to the design? To know more about why styles are disabled on this website visit the Annual CSS Naked Day website for more information. Comments [Comments] Trackbacks [0]
View Article24 ways to impress your friends
So I've been pretty quiet about 24ways to impress your friends this year. The reason why is because I've been writing a tip titled Making XML beautiful again to go into the 24ways collection for 2006....
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